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5 Plumbing Projects That Are Actually Fun
(And Won’t Be Hidden Behind a Wall!)
When you think of plumbing projects, “fun” probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Usually, these jobs are just a lot of work, and often, the finished product is hidden behind a wall or under the floorboards where it will never be seen.
But for you crafty folks, there is no shortage of enjoyable projects that use common plumbing supplies to create unique and functional household items.
Here are some of our favorite fun plumbing projects:
Copper Pipe Towel Rack
Not only does this unique towel rack look amazing, copper also has natural antimicrobial properties.
Wine Rack Made From PVC Pipe
Even Martha knows that basic PVC from the hardware store can be spruced up into something amazing, like this sleek wine rack that will slip right inside an existing cabinet.
Pipe Lighting Fixture
Water and electricity normally don’t mix, but we will make an exception for this stunning light fixture made from plumbing pipes.
Pipe Shelves and Hangers
Pipes are extremely versatile for making attractive and durable industrial-style shelving. With various lengths and fittings, the options are endless.
PVC Water Shooter
Why buy dollar store squirt guns that shoot tiny trickles of water when you can make an awesome water shooter using PVC pipe? This is a simple project that little kids – and big kids! – are sure to love.
Have you done any fun plumbing projects? Feel free to share in the comments below!
If you have a not-so-fun plumbing project that needs to be tackled, don’t hesitate to contact Plumbing Masters today by calling (602) 296-1127. Whether you’re dealing with a minor issue like a leaky faucet or a clogged drain in Phoenix or you’re in need of major Phoenix plumbing repair, our licensed and insured plumbing contractors can help!